Friday, October 22, 2004

Acceptance / Living in the Now

The opportunity of life is very precious and it moves very quickly.

- Ilyani Ywahoo -

That is it! The life that is our is the one we are living today. There is no other. The more we try to hold onto our illusions of what we think it is or what we think is should be, the less time and energy we have to live it.

How many times have we heard about people who worked hard and longed for the day when retirement would come, only to drop dead just before or just after they retired? How fast it all went!

Our lives are so precious. Each moment has the possibility of a new discovery. Yet when it passes, that moment never returns.

Only as I am aware of the present will I have the opportunity to be fully alive.

(Anne Wilson Schaef)


Pensemos nisso... a vida passa muito rápido e nada melhor do que aproveitar ao máximo cada momento realizando tudo aquilo que acreditamos que seja o melhor para nossas vidas, para a vida daqueles que nos amam e a quem amamos com todo nosso Ser, para o nosso engrandecimento, físico e espiritual... Nossa vida é preciosa, cada momento nos dá a oportunidade de uma nova descoberta... Isso diz tudo!

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